
  • Stockinette
  • Splinting material (padded fiberglass or 12-15 layers of plaster)
  • Padding
  • Elastic bandaging



Posterior Short Leg

  • Proximal: Fibular head
  • Distal: Plantar surface of the metatarsal heads


  • 3–4 cm below the level of fibular head on both the medial and lateral leg.

Splint Position

Posterior Short Leg

  • Extends down posterior leg, over the heel and ends at the metatarsal heads.
  • Toes remain free
  • Ankle positioned at 90º


  • Start on lateral leg.
  • Wrap under the plantar surface of foot.
  • End on medial side at same level as the lateral side.


  • Patient can be positioned prone or sitting with knee bent at 90º.
  • Apply padding, with special attention to padding over the calcaneus and medial/lateral malleolus.
  • Apply posterior ankle splint first and secure with elastic bandage.
  • Apply stirrup splint over the posterior slab and secure with elastic bandage.
  • You can also choose to place the splint material for both the posterior slab and the stirrup directly over each other, and then secure with one layer of elastic bandage.
  • Mold to support fracture.
  • Reassess pulses, motor and sensation.