- Stockinette
- Splinting material (padded fiberglass or 8-10 layers of plaster)
- Padding
- Elastic bandaging
- Proximal: Elbow
- Distal: Volar MCP joints and dorsal metacarpal heads
Splint Position
- Start: Volar MCP joints.
- Wrap around elbow.
- End: Dorsal metacarpal heads.
- Elbow held at 90º.
- Forearm neutral with thumb up.
- Slightly extended wrist (10–20º).
- Pad the hand and wrist evenly, paying particular attention to areas of possible friction.
- Mold the splint to provide direct support to the reduced elements of the injury: three point molding.
- Wrap in elastic bandage.
- Reassess pulses, motor and sensation.